Healthy Eating Updates

It’s been 3 weeks since I posted about my change in diet and I thought it would be a good time to give you a little update on how things have been going. I’m currently sat drinking my hot lemon after eating french toast with maple syrup and blueberries for breakfast, which was lovely (picture above). I also have a lovely purring kitten snuggled next to me =)

When I started I was making lots of food from Ella’s cookbook and App, some of this I really liked, some I wasn’t so sure about. I’m also trying out more and more of the recipes as we go along, I’m planning on making a cake or some brownies at some point. Over the first week or two the main issue I had was my taste in foods and having cravings for ALL the fatty sugary foods, like give me them all now!!! This seems to have subsided and I’m feeling much more up for the chia breakfasts, fruit and nut snacks and vegetables at dinner. I actually got a little excited about pitas, hummus and veggie snacks when shopping last night.

Some of the things I’ve learnt are that –

  • Medjool dates with almond butter in are SOOOOO good! They really are a great replacement for sweet snacks and you only need a couple to keep the cravings and hunger at bay
  • Not everything is to your taste, feel free to amend and change things in recipes to meet what you like
  • Cooking from scratch isn’t difficult or scary, it’s actually quite fun!
  • I don’t need coffee and cake to make it through the day, and I actually feel better for not having it (sorry cake and vanilla lattes)
  • Lindt 70% chocolate is great when you fancy something sweet and you only need a piece or two

I’m mainly now struggling with making dinners but I have to say the mushroom stuffed peppers in Ella’s cookbook are the best evening meal I’ve made. I team them with some Quinoa or Couscous to make a simple but scrumptious meal. Breakfasts and snacks have been the easiest things to change I love the chia seed puddings, I first made one with ginger and cinnamon spices and I’ve also made some with cacao powder which keeps my chocolate craving in check and is great with blueberries or strawberries. My morning coffee has been exchanged for a morning cup of green tea, I’m drinking the Pukka Supreme or Clean Matcha Green teas. I also like a nice cup of peppermint tea when at work and on the weekends at home its nice to start the day with a cup of hot lemon.

Since starting we’ve had the full list of Si’s allergies confirmed which means we’re not as limited as we could have been but we’re generally cutting out all of the processed food and cheap meat. We’ve also both lost  a bit of weight over the last few of weeks and are feeling more energetic, happy and healthy as a result. It’s going to be a long while before the full effects kick in and for everything to just become the norm but we’ve had a good start and I’m feeling confident going forward.


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