A Yoga Update

Recently I’ve started to notice big changes from when I first started yoga and even just a few months ago. I’ve never really noticed too much until now, I’ve always thought I’m not progressing much and that was because I’m not putting in a lot of time.

However that isn’t the case at all. I may not be practicing every day or for hours (or even 1 hour) when I do practice but I can see a difference in my body and the postures I’m now able to do or get deeper in now.

When I first started I couldn’t touch the floor or my toes without bending my legs, my leg flexibility wasn’t the best at all. I can now easily touch my toes and even place my hands on the floor without having to do lots of stretches to warm up. I was amazed at this, I never thought I’d soon be getting my chest to my legs or be able to hold behind my legs for the extra stretch, but I can.

I’ve also noticed even though I find my back and shoulders still ache a lot that they’re becoming more open too. Spinal twists are one of my favourites as they feel a-maz-ing.

I’ve started trying to do one power yoga flow each week to bring my strength up, which I feel fits well with my two BJJ sessions each week. I then fit in some nice stretchy flows when I can. The day after BJJ is perfect for a good stretchy flow to ease my aches.

I’m so glad yoga and BJJ compliment each other so well, flexibility and strength are important for both. I’m also so happy to see the difference in my body, I just want to keep pushing on with more confidence that I’ll one day reach those splits or handstand.

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