My Food Bibles

Since I’ve never been much of a cook I’ve found that cook books have been a great help with gaining confidence in the kitchen. They give you guidance with what to cook and instructions on how to not completely mess up your dinner!

Cook books have especially been helpful when trying out a more plant based diet. I’m not completely plant based right now, but I try to make a lot of plant based meals and snacks. I’ve gotten so much out of these so I thought I’d share my 6 food bibles with you.


The book I first started with was Cook like you give a F*ck by Thug Kitchen, my husband got it me as a Christmas present a couple of years ago, which was mainly because it looked fun, not because it was fully vegan. I have to admit I didn’t make loads from the book to start with but it did get me into the kitchen cooking up a nice mango curry, from scratch!!! I’m also in love with the Vegetable Noodle Soup with Ginger Miso Broth, it’s easy, so tasty and full of goodness.


When I made the decision to start really looking at my diet I discovered Deliciously Ella, straight away I needed her cook book and it really started my love of cooking and healthy food. I started with her second book Deliciously Ella Every Day and then quickly got her app too, you can also find lots of recipes on her blog here. Her overnight honey oats are the best and are amazingly quick and simple and her mushroom stuffed peppers are sooooo delicious  (yes they deserve that many o’s, if not more!).


As I looked around and started to watch quite a few youtubers I found Niomi Smart, and I also found she was about to release her first cook book (which I obvs HAD to get). Niomi is a great inspiration when it comes to changing your diet and lifestyle, the recipes in her book are yummy and simple. I really love making an Acai bowl in the morning and topping it with all the yummy healthy goodies, including the cacao granola which is also in this book.


Now we’re getting more into cooking for ourselves and eating more plant based/vegan food my husband also ordered the 2 other Thug Kitchen books. These have even more tasty meal ideas and they also have some extremely helpful tips at the back of them, which will seriously help you out if you’re new to this whole cooking thing like I was. These tips include all the basic food items, what they are, where to find them and how to cook them. I also have to say the thing I love about thug kitchen is that they make everything fun, but also don’t mess about and will tell you to get off your lazy arse  (or ass since they’re american) and get into the kitchen.


I’d really recommend you taking a look at some of these if you’d like to get started in the kitchen and are looking to get some healthier food into your life. These really have become like bibles to me, whenever I’m stuck for meal ideas I get them out and have a look through. They’re becoming a little worn and definitely have some pages covered in ingredients.

Since I drafted this post I found Ella’s first book at a bargain price of £8 in Lakeland, which I had to buy of course. I’m loving this and working my way through each section. I like to fold the corners down when  I find a recipe I really like, I think most pages have turned corners now!!
