My Goals for 2017

So this is a little late as I’ve be planning this post for the last month, but it’s been a little hectic and somehow we’ve got to February!

I’m not normally one for resolutions but I do think self improvement is always important. Starting new things at the start of the year makes it much easier when you want to review how far you’ve come. This year I really want to make changes that will stick and that will allow me to grow further in the coming years.

I spent a nice 2 weeks relaxing over Christmas and this really helped me come into the new year full of a new energy and enthusiasm. So here are the things I’ve been working on the last few weeks and I want to keep working on over the rest of this year.plans1Cook more – I want to become confident in the kitchen and cook more meals, I have to admit I’ve not always been the best at this and have given in to ordering take out so many times (then deal with the regret and disappointment when it’s not that nice). Over the last month I’ve really started to enjoy being in the kitchen and making food. I never thought I’d say this but it’s been making me so happy, and even after a long day it’s helped clear my mind.

Eat more plant based meals – I’ve recently really started to understand how important health is to your life. I’ve seen people close to me with health issues and it’s hitting home that you should always look after yourself and give you the best chance to be healthier throughout your life. I started eating healthier towards the end of last year but I want to keep this up and increase the amount of plant based food we eat.plans2

Be more active – I spend most of the day sat down at work and then at home, but I want this to change. I’m not a big gym person so this isn’t my plan, I want to get out and walk more along with doing yoga and exercises at home. This links in with eating healthier, improving my health is going to be key this year for me.

Post more often – I set up this blog last year to allow me to  do something I’ve wanted to do for a long while. However I kept failing to make time to actually make posts, this year I’m setting myself a goal of posting regularly on here (hopefully once a week but maybe more). This hasn’t gone well over January but I’m going to kick my butt into action for the rest of the year.

Become more confident – I was always the shy and quiet one throughout my school life, this has really changed over the last 10 or so years but there are still places where I struggle. I’m going to throw myself in and push myself past the little things that I still shy away from.

Stress less – I’m a bit of a worrier which makes me stress quite a lot of the time (OK all of the time!), even over small things. I don’t think you can ever stop stressing but I want to stop worrying about the little things and the things I can’t change or impact myself. There are some great techniques out there and I’m going to be giving some a go this year.

It’s not a massive list but I don’t want to over do it, as that won’t help me stress less at all! I’ve been writing all of these down in my personalised Moleskine notebook which I adore, it’s purple and has my name on it!!!









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